This epic three-part series unfolds in a forgotten world that existed long before our own, crossed by long-lost mountain ranges, deserts the size of Africa, and vast inland seas spanning the length of the continent. Explore beloved landmarks like the Grand Canyon and Yellowstone National Park from the inside out as we witness the clash of nature’s creative and destructive forces. Hosted by renowned paleontologist Kirk Johnson, director of the Smithsonian Institute of Natural History, this spectacular road trip reveals the incredible story of a majestic continent.
Winner of the Silver Award for Television In Depth Reporting at the Science Journalism Awards 2016
Nominated in the Long Form Series and Earth and Sky categories at the Jackson Hole Science Media Awards 2016
Director Gwyn Williams
Series Producer Peter Oxley
presenter Kirk Johnson
Director of Smithsonian Institute
Windfall Films
Nova/PBS 3x 60 mins 2015